Sunday, February 23, 2025

Health & Sport

Hey ihr Lieben, ich möchte in diesem Blogpost für euch meine wichtigsten Tipps zusammenfassen, um sein Immunsystem gerade in der heutigen Situation zu stärken. Vor ein paar Tagen hätte keiner von uns gedacht, dass wir so...

My Weekly Balance

Guys, I want to introduce you to a tool, which has a hugely positive effect on me - just by starting one week ago. I´m super convinced of it and I want to share my thoughts and...
When the idea to create my own blog was born, the first thing I knew from the beginning was, that I want to cooperate with inspirational people, who have a great message to share. My wish is...
"Breath is the link between body and mind."(Dan Brule) Breathing is so intuitive that we do not even think about it anymore. In situations, where we are under stress, our breathing becomes fast...